About Nabil School of Social Entrepreneurship – NABIL SSE

NABIL School of Social Entrepreneurship describes social entrepreneurs as people who have practical ideas for change, using social entrepreneurial approaches to tackle complex social problems. These enterprising individuals who have identified an unmet social need, find a business model that can sustain & create lasting social impact. Their work is aimed at improving people’s experience and quality of life and promotes positive social wellbeing, economic prosperity and/or environmental sustainability of communities.


  • Provide a platform to present their creative ideas and solution through social enterprises
  • Promote and Develop Social Entrepreneurs in all the provinces of Nepal
  • Facilitate access to finance for social entrepreneurs
  • Raise the profile of social entrepreneurship
  • Support learning that builds leadership capacity
  • Support those creating change in their local communities

Programs under NABIL SSE:

  • Certificate course in Social Entrepreneurship
  • Fellowship Programme in Social Entrepreneurship

Nabil SSE Certificate Course in Social Entrepreneurship:

700 students per year, 25 per cohort, 28 cohorts per annum, across all 7 provinces

NABIL SSE will partner with a college in each province to offer this course.

Duration of the Course: This would be a three-month long course, at the college. Each day would have 6–8 hours long engagements. In total the course would need participants to attend the course for 14 days over 3 months. There would be 4 cohorts of 25 participants each year in every province.

Expected Outcome of the Course: At the end of 3months, the participant is expected to have built an entrepreneurial mindset, has developed a business model with feasible solution and is ready to receive a bank loan.

Profile of course applicant: Anyone above the age of 18 across seven provinces who wants to build an entrepreneurial mindset and be introduced to basics of running a social business. They should have identified a problem that they want to solve using social entrepreneurial solution which is at an early stage, proof of concept or market entry level. And this person is willing to invest her/his time over a course of 3 months. They should have functional knowledge of Nepali language and intention to take their idea to the next level.

Cohort (Session) Application Deadline Course Start Course End Status
1st May 27, 2022 June 25, 2022 September 24, 2022 Completed
2nd May 30, 2023 June 3, 2023 September 2, 2023 Admission Ongoing

News And Events

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Interaction between delegates of NUAA, China and LGIC

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Download Application Form
Application Detail And Requirements

Please email the completed Application Form to the respective college. Or Click here to fill the online form

Province College Name Email Address
Province 1 Mahendra Morang Adarsha Multiple Campus info@mmamc.edu.np
Madhes Province Birgunj Public College info@bpcbirgunj.edu.np
Bagmati Province Campion College info.cc@cgeducation.com.np
Gandaki Province LA GRANDEE International College lgic.nsse@lagrandee.edu.np
Lumbini Province Kshitiz International College info@kshitizcollege.edu.np
Karnali Province Surkhet Model College surkhetmodel.college@gmail.com
Sudurpaschim Province Sudur Paschimanchal Academy info@spa.edu.np

NABIL SSE Fellowship Programme in Social Entrepreneurship

This programme will be the flagship programme of NSSE and would be aimed to support people starting up or growing projects/ideas/ventures that make a positive difference. This programme will be a National Programme and delivered in Kathmandu in collaboration with Tribhuvan University The programme will offer 20 fellows a 6 months learning programme following a robust methodology to gain first hand experience and along the way use ‘learning by doing’ approach.

40 fellows, 2 cohorts per year, 6 months learning programme and 12 months mentoring support

Duration of the Course: this would be six-month long programme, with mentoring for a period of 12 months. Every month fellows will attend the learning programme for 3days and they would have residential programme for 18 days in total. Each one of them would be paired with a mentor who will be their sounding board for their entrepreneurial journey for 1 year.

Expected Outcome of the Course: At the end of 6-12months, the Fellow would have an investment ready-enterprise or a business ready with product/service to trade in the market. They will face a panel of impact investors at the end of the programme and pitch their ideas for investment.

Profile of course applicant: Anyone between the age of 18 to 50 across seven provinces who has a practical business idea to solve social problems – be it in education, healthcare, water & sanitation, agriculture, food, livelihood, climate change, energy, etc. The applicants must be the student or pass out of Tribhuvan University.

This person is willing to invest her/his time and energy into learning to develop their idea into an enterprise by taking action.

For further details, contact college administration or Nabil Bank branch offices.